Commercial (Retail Store)
McDonalds (Maryland, US)
Business Challenge
Several McDonald’s franchise locations in the Maryland area needed a specific security solution. Cameras were operating on limited bandwidth (100kb/s) and stores had existing aged surveillance CCTV technology. Originally McDonald’s was recording in JPEG video format with analog cameras hooked up to an old DVR system. They were having issues managing security across multiple locations without any remote access. The franchise needed a more reliable backup system and a way to record motion triggered events.
So what was needed was a specifically tailored security solution. It would have to incorporate the old system but relay into the cloud with ease and grace.

3dEYE connected McDonald’s old security cameras (DVRs) to 3dEYE Cloud, successfully converting JPEG video into h.264 streams. The security streams could now be stored on the cloud and became accessible through modern browsers, tablet and mobile devices. It was now possible to login and manage multiple, scattered locations from one device. 3dEYE enabled the overhaul from the previous system into an easy-to-use, reliable interface.
“[The] UI is reliable and easy to work with.. makes managing multiple locations a breeze.”
Cameras were set up with motion alerts outside of business hours to capture unauthorized / suspicious activity. The schedule, user permissions and all management options became customizable through the administration portal, giving McDonald’s full remote control of their security. The cloud solution provided McDonald’s with secure, offsite, redundant storage through Amazon S3 servers. Events are now generated on a trigger basis with email alerts and License Plate Number has also been incorporated. 3dEYE is highly scalable and will easily adapt to the growing franchise’s needs in additional locations.